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The University of Banja Luka, founded on November 7, 1975 and comprising of 17 faculties today, is the leading higher education institution in the Republic of Srpska and the second largest one in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Since 2007, the University has been integrated, with the faculties functioning as organizational units.

It is managed by the Steering Board, Senate and Rector, who is assisted by the Vice-Rector for education and students’ affairs, Vice-Rector for scientific research and development, Vice-Rector for international and inter-university cooperation, and Vice-Rector for staff and material resources.

At the moment, there are 811 fully employed professors and teaching assistants, 342 professors working part-time, and 175 visiting professors, the administration of the University totaling 559 employees.

So far, the University has produced 31,500 graduates, 700 hundred specialists, 1,150 MA/MSc and 600 PhD degree holders respectively, with 20,000 students currently enrolled at its study programmes.

Most faculties are situated in two separate campus sites near the banks of the River Vrbas, in the vicinity of downtown area. Each campus site is equipped with dormitories with accompanying canteens, sports courts, students’ clubs and University Computer Centre.

The University of Banja Luka disposes of all necessary facilities, from classrooms and amphitheatres, over reading rooms and libraries, to laboratories and computer rooms. The total classroom area is 16,000 m2, while the laboratories take up 10,000 m2. In most classrooms there are computers and over-head projectors, allowing for use of digital contents in class. As far as the computer rooms, there are 20 of them, all providing a 24-hour access to the Internet. In addition, the libraries provide their users with 185,000 titles and are subscribed to 75 journals.

University of Banja Luka is a member of the European University Association – EUA and is a signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum. The University is a member of the International University Network for Academic and Research Cooperation, under the patronage of the La Sapienza University Science Park, Rome, Italy, the General Assembly of Interuniversity Centre for Research and Cooperation with Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CIRCEOS), with headquarters at the University of Bari, Italy, UniAdrion universities network with headquarters in Ancona, Italy, EMUNI foundation with headquarters in Slovenia and the Agency for Francophone Universities (AUF).

The Faculty of Law is a modern, well-organized and recognized higher education and scientific institution . Many academics, university professors, well-known and recognized lawyers, judges, prosecutors, politicians, directors of large business companies and other important public figures have been educated in this institution.

There is a large number of law schools in the area. However, our faculty differs from others by the specific education of young people, the criteria that make it evident that the Diploma of the Faculty of Law was gained through extensive learning, innovations in teaching and modernization, in which we have bravely entered in with the wish to make progress and improvements in the process of education.

The Faculty of Law is a place for those who want to learn, but also have fun in the process.

The Faculty of Law is a place where the criteria will always be clearly defined, but also where it is insisted that no one should be damaged.

The Faculty of Law is a place where knowledge is obtained both theoretically and practically.

The Faculty of Law is a place where all those who want to become, first of all, quality people, and then lawyers, can find their place in the sun.

The Faculty of Law is a choice that is available to everyone and the place where all who want to „live honestly, do not offend anyone and give everyone what belongs to them“ are welcome.

Banja Luka, through its history, had a developed legal activity, prominent lawyers and law specialists much before it got a faculty for the study of legal sciences.

After its founding, the Faculty of Law in Banja Luka was inextricably linked to the ideas of justice and freedom, and for the people of Krajina and the Republic of Srpska, it represented and still represents an institution that carries with it an active engagement on the improvement and development of the situation in society.

Rights are not just „theory“. The Faculty of Law is not a place where you just adopt a large amount of data without understanding it.

To engage in legal science is to study the essence of human society, to deal with its behavior and to direct it. It is one of the oldest academic areas in the world, and the subject of its study dates back to 4000 years ago.

For student to complete our Faculty of Law and acquire degree of law graduate (240 ECTS points), he/she is required to attend classes on 34 (thirty-four) subjects and pass identical number of exams, as described in Faculty of Law curriculum. Besides the 34 subjects, students who did not attend Latin language classes in their high school education are obliged prior to taking exams in the winter semester of 1st year of study to pass Latin language exam.

Each subject brings specific number of ECTS points depending on the workload required by the student. Each semester is consisted of subjects cumulating in 30 (thirty) ECTS points, and each year cumulates to 60 (sixty) ECTS points, which in total cumulates to 240 (two hundred and forty) ECTS points. After collecting all points and successful pass of all exams student is accredited with the title “law graduate” of state Faculty of Law of Banja Luka University.

Curriculum of Faculty of Law aims to constantly align and fit our faculty into modern streams of higher education, and therefore we are seeking to accomplish following goals:

  • Increase the level of quality of the studies to a higher level in accordance with relevant international standards
  • Setting the balance between general-educational and expert-law lectures, while focusing more on law-vocational subjects
  • Stimulating active student participation in the educational process through individual and team work
  • Engagement of all teachers in the process
  • Intensifying cooperation between academic and practical spheres.

During the studying programme students acquire basic law knowledge, but also knowledge from other spheres of social sciences, such as economy, history, sociology, politics, etc. Besides this, special emphasis is given to practical education of students through writing and analysing different pleadings, organization of simulation trials and introduction of legal clinics.

The first year of studies at the Faculty of Law is based on familiarization with the notion of law and legal science. Students are exposed to cases that represent an introduction to a more serious study of the law at this year.

In the first year of studies, students are obliged to attend 7 (seven) compulsory subjects and 1 (one) elective subject, which the students choose themselves.

Upon enrollment in the second semester (summer semester), the student chooses one of the offered elective courses, i.e. foreign languages.

The second year of studies at the Faculty of Law is based on the study of certain “standard” branches of substantive law, such as Criminal or Civil Law. Also, the students at this year, familiarize themselves with the constitutional-legal order of the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina in more detail. In addition, they learn about the basic things they should know about the law of the European Union.

In the second year of studies, students are obliged to attend 8 (eight) compulsory subjects.

The third year of studies at the Faculty of Law is based on familiarizing students with procedural rules of criminal matters, as well as studying the basics of Administrative and Labor Law. In addition to that, students learn about international law and its norms.

In the third year of studies, students are obliged to attend 7 (seven) compulsory subjects and 1 (one) elective subject, which students choose themselves. Upon enrollment into the sixth semester (summer semester) the student picks one of the offered elective subjects.

The fourth year of studies at the Faculty of Law focuses on rounding up the legal knowledge that the student acquired during the course of studies. There are also 10 (ten) elective courses during this year, leaving students with a lot of space to investigate certain issues in the field of law or politics in more detail.

In the fourth year of studies, students are obliged to attend 8 (eight) compulsory subjects and 2 (two) elective subjects, chosen by students themselves. Upon enrollment in the seventh semester (winter semester), the student chooses one of the offered elective subjects that are listed for that semester. Also, upon enrollment into the eight semester (summer semester), the student chooses one of the offered elective subjects for that semester.


Here you can see courses in the studies

Academic Master Studies, i.e. II cycle studies at the Faculty of Law, are organized into eight study programs:

  • Civil Law, International Law, Criminal Law, Business Law, State Law, Administrative Law, Labor and Social Law, and Legal-Historical Studies.

These are complex study programs, created in accordance with the latest achievements in legal science, contemporary legal practice and study programs at renowned faculties in the region, Europe and the world, as well as with the needs of the society. The main goal of the Master’s study programs is to educate appropriate experts in the narrower scientific fields of law, at the Master’s level, who will be trained to perform complex and managerial tasks, as well as qualifying for further scientific research work.

Other objectives of master’s study programs are:

  • for students to gain additional knowledge in certain narrow scientific fields and to develop competencies for performing complex legal activities related to the creation, interpretation and application of law (especially in judicial institutions, administrative bodies, government institutions and NGOs),
  • to offer the labor market highly qualified Masters in Law (LL.M.) with specialized knowledge and skills necessary for conducting professional and business management tasks in the capital market and in the field of financial intermediation,
  • to develop critical, analytical and creative thinking among students,
  • to develop problem research skills and abilities,
  • to engage competent teaching staff from the country and abroad,
  • to develop intensive cooperation between the Faculty of Law and state institutions, professional associations and organizations, as well as economic entities,
  • for the candidates to acquire the conditions to continue their studies at the third cycle of academic studies (PhD studies) and
  • to create preconditions for training students for permanent education and self-education.

Study programs of academic Master’s studies last for one (1) academic year and are worth sixty (60) ECTS credits. Teaching in all eight study programs is organized into two semesters, worth thirty (30) ECTS credits each.

At the level of study programs, an appropriate percentage of choices is ensured, which gives the academic master’s studies the necessary flexibility. Out of the total of five (5) subjects and final paper, two (2) subjects (including final paper) are optional, accounting for 40% of the total number of subjects.

Upon the completion of studies of the second cycle for a period of one (1) year, for two (2) semesters, a candidate shall acquire the academic title of Master in Law (LL.M.), with the diploma supplement where the final mark of the study program will be indicated together with three hundred (300) ECTS credits. In English, an acquired title is designated as a Master in Law with a Diploma Supplement with an Indicated Course – 300 ECTS credits.

The following candidates have the right to enroll in the second cycle of studies:

  • Candidates with completed undergraduate studies at a particular law school in the duration of four years according to a previously valid curriculum at a public higher education institution, or candidates who have completed a cycle of studies of law with 240 ECTS credits at a public higher education institution,
  • Candidates with the completed first cycle of studies at a particular faculty of law at a private higher education institution, provided that the curriculum of that faculty is equivalent to the curriculum of the Faculty of Law of the University in Banja Luka and that the responsible teachers at the faculty are selected in teaching positions in accordance with the provisions of the law regulating the field of higher education.



At the 10th session of Academic Council of the Faculty of Law, held on November 14, 2018, proposal for decision on the implementation of academic study programs of II and III cycles, “Master in Law (LL.M.)” and “Doctoral Studies of Law”, were adopted. The mentioned proposals were accepted at the 31st session of the Senate of the University, held on November 29, 2018, and the agreement on the eligibility of study programs was also given. The process of licensing is underway and it is expected that the first generation of full-time students will be enrolled in both cycles with the beginning of the next academic year, which will complete the Bologna Study System at the Faculty of Law in all three study cycles.

The novelty of the study program “Masters in Law” in relation to existing eight study programs is that it will bring them down to one study program with nine modules, namely: Civil Law, Criminal Law, Business Law, International Law, Administrative Law, Labor and Social Law, State Law, Legal-Historical Studies and Legal-Economic Module. Therefore, all the scientific fields of Law will be represented, and candidates will also be enabled to enroll as full-time students, and not just as part-time, as was the case up until now.

The study program lasts one academic year, it is worth 60 ECTS credits, and the curriculum consists of three compulsory and one elective subject, which is chosen by the student within the chosen module, the study research paper and final (Master’s) paper. The main goal is to educate appropriate experts in the narrow scientific areas of law, at the Master’s level, who will be trained to perform complex and managerial tasks in judicial and government institutions, and administrative bodies, businesses, non-governmental sector and social activities, as well as qualifying for further scientific research.

PhD studies will also be organized through nine modules, lasting three academic years and will be worth 180 ECTS credits. This is a complex study program created in accordance with the latest achievements in legal science, contemporary legal practice and study programs at renowned faculties in the region, Europe and the world, as well as with the needs of our society. The structure of the study program is represented, in appropriate proportions, by theoretical and methodological, scientific and professional, and professional-applicative contents (elements in the programs of compulsory and elective subjects, scientific research work, as well as scientific articles that students are obliged to write and publish).

Faculty of Law in Banja Luka is the first faculty for the study of legal science in Krajina and is currently the bearer of legal thinking and education in Republic of  Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The history of law is closely linked to the development of civilization and the progress of society. The history of the Banja Luka Faculty of Law is closely related to the development of the Republic of Srpska.


There is a large number of law faculties in the area.

Our faculty differs from others to the specific education of young people, the innovations in teaching, the criteria for which it is known that the degree from the Faculty of Law is driven by knowledge and modernization in which we have stepped in bravely and eager of the progress and improvement of the teaching and scientific process.


Since its inception, the Faculty of Law has been trying to have good cooperation with international organizations and faculties where legal and political sciences are studied.

This cooperation gradually and carefully developed in order to increase the quality of teaching at our faculty and its better positioning on the world’s faculty lists.

Promotion of the Unit of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics


On Thursday, February 7, 2019, as a part of the Faculty Day celebration programme, the promotion of the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics Unit of the Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka was held at the Faculty of Law. The promotion was moderated by the Head of Unit, Prof. Dr. Igor Milinković. At the beginning of the promotion, a Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Željko Mirjanić greeted participants and emphasized the importance of establishing the Unit and studying bioethical issues by lawyers and law students.   

After that, Prof. Dr. Vojin Rakić, a Head of the European Division of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics for Europe and Director of the Center for Study of Bioethics (Belgrade), held a presentation on the development of bioethics in Serbia and Europe. In an interesting presentation, Professor Rakic presented the activities of the European Division of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics for Europe and pointed out the possibility of establishing cooperation in the realization of projects and other joint activities.

After the presentation of Professor Rakic, Dr. Sanja Stojkovic-Zlatanovic, a research associate of the Institute of Social Sciences (Belgrade), gave a presentation entitled: „Basic ethical and legal issues of developing and financing drugs for the treatment of rare diseases“.

As part of the Unit promotion, the Debate Club of the Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka – „Alkibijad“ held a debate on the topic: „The conduct of experiments on all types of animals is ethically justified“. The performance of the Debate Club „Alkibijad“ received enthusiastic response from the audience.


Faculty Anniversary

The Faculty of Law of the University in Banja Luka celebrated the 44th year of existence and successful work and 59th year of the beginning of legal studies in Banja Luka. On this occasion, a new generation of law professors, Master in Law (LL.M.) and law graduates was promoted.

In addition to graduates, their parents, relatives and friends, many distinguished guests attended the occasion. In the first rows of our great amphitheater, the rector of the University in Banja Luka Prof. Dr. Radoslav Gajanin, President of the Republic of Srpska Željka Cvijanović, President of the Government of the Republic of Srpska Radovan Višković, Government Vice President and Minister of Justice Anton Kasipović, Minister for Scientific-Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society Srđan Rajičević, Minister of Youth and Sports Sonja Davidović, President of the Academy of Science and Arts of the Republic of Srpska academic Prof. Dr. Rajko Kuzmanović and associates were seated.

As every year, Prof. Dr. Željko Mirjanić has formally awarded a larger number of recognitions of the Faculty of Law for an exceptional contribution to work, development and affirmation of the Faculty of Law. The highest recognition, the Plaque of the Faculty of Law, was awarded to Prof. Dr. Nikola Mojović.

Milica Ristić, Ivana Božić and Milica Čubrilović whom the Dean awarded Golden, Silver and Bronze Plaque of the Faculty of Law, respectively, were proclaimed the best students of the generation.


October Days of Law

The legal elite of many countries in the region gathered today at the Faculty of Law of the University in Banja Luka. The 15th International Conference of Lawyers „October Days of Law“ started here.

This great international scientific conference, attended by over 500 distinguished lawyers from the Republic of Srpska, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and some other countries from the region, was opened by the President of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Republic of Srpska and the President of the Association of Lawyers of the Republic of Srpska, Dr. Rajko Kuzmanović. During an appropriate speech he recalled the importance of the Association of Lawyers and numerous members of this profession for the construction and functioning of the legal system. He pointed out that more than 11,000 lawyers have participated in the 15 legal consultations where they have debated on 1470 papers in all areas of legal theory and practice submitted to these consultations.

On behalf of the teachers, associates and students of the Faculty of Law, hosted by one of the organizers of this international academic conference, the participants of this year’s counseling of lawyers were greeted by the Dean of this higher education institution, Prof. Dr. Željko Mirjanić. He reminded us that this faculty is a practitioner of legal thought and legal science in this area for half a century, as well as that many lawyers who have created legal life in legislative, executive and judicial institutions have gained an abundance of legal knowledge here.

In addition, the participants of this year’s lawyers counseling were addressed by the Minister of Justice in the Government of the Republic of Srpska, Anton Kasipović, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research at the University of Banja Luka Prof. Dr. Goran Latinović, President of the Association of Lawyers of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr. Miodrag Orlić, Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade Prof. Dr. Zoran Mirkovic and Professor at the Faculty of Law in Split, Dr Dragan Bolanča.

An introductory speech at the plenary session of this year’s 15th International Conference of Lawyers „October Days of Law“ was submitted by academician Prof. Dr. Rajko Kuzmanović. He talked about a global topic that, as he said, is general-social, legal, and especially political, economic-social and depends on the quality of life of all people. He spoke of the position of contemporary law in the whirlwind of social change.

In the afternoon, the participants of this scientific conference continued their work in the departments where 80 papers will be submitted in all areas of legal theory and practice. At the end of today’s work of this counseling session, a legal hour was dedicated to the distinguished jurist Jova Rosić, the first president of the Association of Lawyers of the Republic of Srpska, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Srpska and a distinguished judge of the regular and Constitutional Court of the Republic of Srpska. A legal evening was organized for all participants of this year’s Advisory Council. It was another opportunity to exchange opinions and experiences on various issues and questions.


On the day of February 5, 2019 an Agreement of Cooperation was concluded between The Faculty of Law of the University in Istočno Sarajevo and The Faculty of Law of the University in Banja Luka.

By entering into the Agreement, the Faculties of Law at the University in Istočno Sarajevo and Banja Luka established a mutual cooperation in the field of science and education.

Government of RS

City of Banja Luka

National and University Library

Faculty of Law in Belgrade

Faculty of Law in Novi Sad

Faculty of Law in Nis

Faculty of Law in Kragujevac

Law Faculty in East Sarajevo

Faculty of Law in Kosovska Mitrovica

The European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) :

The European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) was founded in 1995 in Leuven (Belgium) by more than 80 Faculties of Law located in different universities across Europe. The organisation today has more than 250 members from countries within Europe and other parts of the world.

ELFA was founded to increase the quality of legal education in Europe by providing a platform for discussion and exchange. The aim of ELFA’s activities is to coordinate the process of reform of legal education in Europe, introducing new topics, promoting cooperation between Universities in Europe and representing Law Faculties vis-à-vis European Institutions, National Education Institutions, and Lawyers and Prosecutors’ Associations. Every year ELFA organises its annual conference at which members are encouraged to participate in its plenary, workshops and round tables. To support researchers it organises its ELFA Award for the best Doctoral Thesis on European Law.

The Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka joined ELFA as part of efforts aimed at strengthening cooperation with faculties and institutes from other countries.

At the discretion of the students of the Faculty of Law of the University in Banja Luka and the Student Organization of the Faculty of Law Banja Luka, another Debating Club started working, which functions as a faculty i.e. student club at the Faculty of Law.

It is led by Branka Kukić Ljubojević, a professor of Serbian Language and Literature at the Banja Luka high-school „Gimnazija“, who has significant experience in organizing and working with debate clubs. The goal of the club is that its members learn to make argumentative defense of their attitudes, advocating opinions that they may not have in their private life, always taking into consideration the other side of the coin and to obtain greater knowledge through debating deduction in all areas of social life.

The club is a non-profit organization and all citizens of the Republic of Srpska can become its members, and it is directed primarily to the academic population, especially the students of social sciences at the University of Banja Luka.

The Center for Rhetoric and Oratory „Institutio Oratoria“ is a place where students are introduced to good speech, oratory and rhetoric. The founder and head of the Center is Prof. Dr. Nikola Mojović, a full-time professor at the Faculty of Law of the University in Banja Luka.

Every year, the Center organizes a traditional student competition in rhetoric at the Faculty of Law of the University in Banja Luka.

More about the activities of the Center for Rhetoric and Oratory „Institutio Oratoria“ can be found on the notice board of the Center.


Prof. dr Željko Mirjanić 
Phone: + 387 51 339 – 002 
E-mail: zeljko.mirjanic@pf.unibl.org


Vice-Dean for Teaching and Student Affairs

Prof. dr Zoran Vasiljević 
Phone: + 387 51 339 – 014 
E-mail: zoran.vasiljevic@pf.unibl.org


Vice-Dean for International and Interuniversity cooperation

Prof. dr Igor Milinković
Phone: + 387 51 339-025
E-mail: igor.milinkovic@pf.unibl.org



Faculty of law  ,  Bulevar vojvode Stepe Stepanovica 77  ,  78 000 Banja Luka  ,  Republic of Srpska


+387 (0)51/339-001


+387 (0)51/460-602




+387 (0) 51 / 339-030


From 08:00 to 16:00.


from 08:00 to 13:00.